Wisdom Words

These are collections of my favorite wisdom words and quotes to live by. Visit my project #1MillionWords for more visually inspiring words:

"Progress beats Perfection." — Carol S. Dweck
“The bigger the obstacle, the larger its weak spot.” — Book: The Obstacle Is The Way by Ryan Holiday
Failure is still a “next step” to success, if you learn from it. 
Simplification comes from deep understanding.
"Creativity loves Constraints." - Inspired by Marissa Mayer
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.
- Steve Jobs
It’s never too late to reinvent yourself.
Everyone is gifted. But most people never open their package.
In a growth mindset world— the priority is learning, not the binary trap of success and failure. 
Discover within you. When you discover the potential within you, your life changes.